Highlight #1Accelerated time to market for new EQ MarketScore feature   

Highlight #2Enhanced corporate communications for Investor Relations Officers (IRO)

Highlight #3Improved productivity and time savings for IROs 


Markets EQ, an AI startup leverages Symbl’s Gen-AI capabilities and conversational understanding models to provide investor relation officers (IROs) insights into earnings calls to improve corporate communications. Specifically, Markets EQ has launched a new ‘EQ MarketScore’ feature within its platform that analyzes earning calls, presentations and executive communications and provides an overall communication score. This score is determined by multiple factors including the tone, confidence, clarity, and the intricacy of the messages. This EQ MarketScore feature is powered by Nebula, Symbl’s conversation-centric large language model.

Challenge / Opportunity: 

Markets EQ identified that there are significant losses among U.S. businesses due to ineffective communications, with nearly $1.2 trillion in annual loss or approximately $12,506 per employee every year. To solve this problem, they were looking to build an industry-first Gen-AI platform for corporate communications based entirely on voice, tonal analysis and emotional intelligence. 

Specifically, for the financial services sector, Markets EQ wanted to introduce a feature on the platform that allows IROs to upload earning call transcripts and audio files onto the platform and obtain conversational insights including emotional intelligence, sentiment analysis, key themes and communication trends over time. These insights would help IROs enhance their corporate communications to external stakeholders. Markets EQ partnered with Symbl to use Nebula LLM as the backbone for its platform and the EQ MarketScore feature since Nebula is specialized on generative workflows for human conversations.


Markets EQ uses Nebula within two (2) product features on its platform: 

  • Communications Report: As part of the EQ MarketScore feature, a detailed communications report is generated for the uploaded call or transcript. This report consists of a summary of the conversation, top discussion themes and the overall language sentiment i.e. whether the communication was positive, neutral or negative. All of these intelligence features are powered by the Nebula LLM. 
  • Chatbot interface for IR teams: Markets EQ also uses the Nebula Chat Model API to power its chatbot interface. This chatbot enables IR teams to dive deeper into the earning calls by asking questions and gaining insights pertaining to the earning calls. To help users get started, the chatbot showcases a standard set of questions to IRO customers and provides answers to these questions when prompted.


By successfully integrating Nebula’s capabilities within the EQ MarketScore feature, Markets EQ and its IRO customers have obtained the following benefits:

  • Reduced time to market for Markets EQ: By choosing Nebula to power the chat dialogue interface, Markets EQ received a highly accurate language model that has been extensively trained on conversations across domains. As a result, MarketsEQ saved  development time that would have been needed to train alternate models and was able to deploy the EQ MarketScore product offering within a matter of weeks. 
  • Greater communication control and reduced risk for IROs: Granular conversational insights such as the overall language sentiment and negative indicators allow IROs to understand inadequacies in the current communications. They can also obtain tailored recommendations to improve their communication strategy. 
  • Time saving for IROs: Earning calls and investor briefings tend to be complex conversations resulting in long transcripts. By uploading the audio call or transcript into the platform and generating quick summaries and top themes, IRO can realize significant time savings.
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