—more specifically, our Principal Developer Advocate David vonThenen—will begin offering platform users access to monthly developer office hours, with the first session kicking off on Jan. 25, 2023, at 11 a.m. PST.

The AMER meeting will occur every fourth Wednesday of the month at 11 a.m. PST. The APAC meeting will occur every fourth Thursday of the month at 9 a.m. IST.

Everyone is welcome to join in on these upcoming interactive discussions, which will touch on everything from use cases to conversations around general ML topics to the latest and greatest tech in the voice AI realm.

You can easily join the Google Group for this Community Meeting and Office Hours and also view and import the Community Calendar into your Google calendar.

There will be a presentation of a given topic as well as a demo showcased during each of the office hours. However, be sure to come prepared with questions about optimizing your unique use case of the platform, as that back and forth will inform much of the office hours content moving forward. These meetings are for the community and it’s highly encouraged to bring items you want to discuss and add them to the meeting agenda.

While developers will certainly benefit from delving into the hottest voice intelligence topics of each month, we want to emphasize that these office hours are of immense usefulness to anyone who wants to ensure they’re getting the most “bang for their buck” out of the platform. 

This month’s topic: Community repo on GitHub

Get excited, folks! This month you will have the opportunity to learn about our freshly launched Community repository, hosted on GitHub. This repo will be the starting point for those who are interested in getting started with using, receiving help with projects using the Platform, and even for those looking to contribute to community projects—including improving docs and code. 

First you will need to sign up for a GitHub user account, as well as sign up and create an account on the Platform.

Our ultimate goal is to create a large, lively, and friendly open-source community. As many open source projects often do, this process largely depends on new people and customers becoming members, talking about use cases in conversations, and talking about code!

The Contributor Guide explains how to get your ideas and bug fixes both seen and accepted. Among other things, you’ll learn how to file an issue and how to open a pull request.

The Developer Guide provides detailed instructions on how to bootstrap yourself into running, building, and viewing projects/code relating to the Platform.

It is not required to set up a developer environment in order to contribute to’s community designated projects. However, if you plan to contribute code changes, review the Developer Resources page for how to set up your environment. 

Per the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct: “We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation’s projects and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.”

The team can be reached at: is committed to building an open, inclusive, productive and self-governing open source community focused on building high-quality tooling that enables users to consume, use, and access the Platform. 

We’re looking forward to fostering this community and constructing a quality repo where everyone’s needs are met and all problems with the platform are out in the open.

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